We have come up with a working program that will allow all departments to participate in both training and certification programs.
Implement Training and Receive Official Trainer Certification in PACT
First, we have been around for over two decades. In this time we have never authorized non-law enforcement or non-government personnel to teach our system. Rest assured that no one with our certification earned that unless he or she is an official LE, a Government agent or part of an agency that is complying with our standards.
SCARS has created a sponsorship program for certification of LE Trainers. We feel that the only way to set a standard that can be relied on is to create standards that are truly above the rest. As a decision-maker in your department you certainly have been trained in various moves and ideas of defensive action for an officer.
Officers attend various schools outside of the area of law enforcement based training that consists of old world martial arts or defensive minded tactics that simply can’t be applied by all officers. Plus, these martial arts based training programs simply don’t take into consideration the law enforcement trade craft. In short, the last 75 years of law enforcement training in this area has been slow and ineffective. It is behind the times so to speak.
FACT: Officers are still getting disarmed, beaten and killed by unskilled criminals that have no rules as to use of force!
Our answer to this fact was to create a standard that is based on science and understanding of three main areas: physiology, physics, and geometry. Using this standard we have created programs that have been implemented in the US Defense Department along with various other Law Enforcement agencies.
This Is How Your Department Can Become A Part Of This High Standard Utilizing The Science Of Human Control
- The first option is to select 6 to 30 officers from your department for a PACT 30-hr 3-day course. There they will review the subject and receive training, just as they would if your department was licensed to teach the PACT information. Each officer will receive the PACT package just like your officers would if your department was in the program. At that point you’ll have a first hand opinion of the program from your own officers as to its effectiveness. Contact us for discounted department rate.
Or for Department Instructor Training Certification and Use of the PACT System
We have only one way for officer certification. That is through your department participation.
Departments Rights To Distribute And Train PACT:
Departments may conduct training to all LE agencies within or outside their state as deemed by their departments. This allows for each participating department to support smaller agencies that do not meet the minimum requirement, by having interdepartmental training. This benefits the sponsoring departments by way of using and selling their PACT COI (Course Of Instruction) course material to the visiting agency as cost of material if they so elect. The more officers the department trains the more material is used and the more sponsored slots are earned. Also the sponsoring department can pick any officer from any department to go through certification thereby helping your smaller agencies.
Department Restrictions For The Implementation Of This Program Are As Follows:
- A participating Department can train no one other than Law Enforcement personnel.
- All officers that go through training from a PACT certified trainer must be given their own PACT study material.
- No certified officer of the PACT system may train PACT information for moneys to the public.
- No training can be conducted without proper course material i.e. The PACT Package as stated.
Instructor Certification Program:
Level-1 Overview
The Content
This course of instruction (COI) covers the full spectrum of resistance from compliant offenders up to and including non-compliant weapon wielding offenders. All training will be from the LAW ENFORCEMENT/P.A.C.T. Level One Manual and Video's, that are POST approved.
The Training
The entire course of instruction as laid out in the manual is supported by easy to follow demonstrative video lessons which visually connect the student with the specific action depicted in the manual. This allows the student to practice all sections and sub-lessons between specified departmental instruction periods.
Law Enforcement P.A.C.T. L-1 10-Day:
- Course title: P.A.C.T.
- Hours: 100 in 10 days
- Class size: 2 to 30 (P.A.C.T. L-1 package offer)
- Cost per officer:
- Hours per day: 10 hours
- Cumulative training hrs: 100 hours
- Location: To be determined
Course Description Trainer Certification 10 day PACT L-1 Dynamic Threat Responses
The in-depth subject lessons within the P.A.C.T. L-1 manual will ensure the competency of the officer in the physical instruction of the P.A.C.T. L-1 lesson plan. In addition, it will guide the officer in the correct methodology of instruction and subsequent application of the POST approved training program.
- Aspects of mental control
- Use of officer’s verbal control
- Physical control
- Benefits of dynamic breathing
- Body mechanics and natural weapons
- Keys to natural alertness
- PACT Control lessons
- Firearm retention control
- Firearm disarmament control
- Edged weapon and impact weapons disarmament and usage
- Prisoner handling
- Cuffing
Performance Objective
On completing the 10-day instructor program the officer will have the expertise to:
- Conduct the POST-approved P.A.C.T. L-1 training program for all members within LAW ENFORCEMENT organizations.
- Supply expert and knowledgeable support to officers requiring instruction in dealing with confrontational situations.
- Cohesively work within the protocol of the individual departments in which the trainer is most utilized.
- Ensure proficient instructor performance thereby ensuring the integrity and the professionalism of the P.A.C.T. L-1 program.
- Ensure this qualification within the 10-day course will reduce overall department expenses on future training courses.
Key Specifications
This program is specifically designed for the P.A.C.T. L-1 manual and supplemental DVDs (POST approved). Each of the officers will complete the 100 hour requirement. This P.A.C.T. L-1 certificate is valid for two years. Upon completion of the initial two-year period as an Instructor, the officer is required to undergo re-certification. The re-certification will consist of an advanced three-day training.
Instructor Reference
The POST-approved LAW ENFORCEMENT/P.A.C.T. L-1 program LAW ENFORCEMENT/P.A.C.T. Level-1 manual for information covered LAW ENFORCEMENT/P.A.C.T. Level-1 video lessons reviews
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