SCARS® Savings Account - Earn Seminar Credits - SCARS®
SCARS Training Center | Self-Defense & Tactics

S.S.A ( SCARS Savings Account)

Giving back to get you to a Live Seminar!

You have all been asking for help with live training. 

We have decided to give you credit for every dollar you've spent in our store and on our online video memberships.  

You can use this accumulation of cash to come to a live training seminar at any time.  

If you have $$$$ in your account, just pay the difference and come to the event!  

Otherwise just do nothing, and let your cash pile up for when you're ready.  

This S.S.A will NEVER EXPIRE, and you can use it for any live training event we do, period!


How to Redeem or See what you have in your account:

Find the login in the upper right hand corner of the menu bar.  

1. Click login

2. Enter your email you used to purchase products or memberships.

3. Enter the password we recently sent you or simply go through the reset password process!


Voila you are in!

Use the top far right menu to navigate to your "PROFILE" or "SEMINAR" to see what you have in your SSA Account.

This will also activate your free trial membership!  This gives you access to the INTRO section for a week.  Try it out for no obligation and see what you think about our new videos and On demand system.

Now you can watch videos from any device any where you have an internet connection!

Keep in mind if you sign up for our On Demand Training or buy training products, you will accumulate that value monthly into your SSA!

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