SCARS® Public Training - Learn Self-Defense Online, DVDs, & Live
SCARS Training Center | Self-Defense & Tactics

We have specialized training for you!

Program yourself to Eliminate self-doubt!

Get the first stage of controlling your life and learn to begin to eliminate all fear in your life, not just in extreme situations. Found in “Building Blocks Of A Fearless Life”
Scientific studies have proven our method true and 50% faster at making not only a decision of action but THE CORRECT ONE!

Eliminate all forms of physical attacks.

Covering all physics and geometrical constants that eliminate the ability for an attacker to do what they are good at. We are talking all methods of attack:
Punching, Kicking, Leverages, Grabs, Grappling, Multiple Attacker etc.

The secrets to making any weapon a joke.

Covering the worst knife and club or sword attacks imaginable in our Edged and Impact Weapons Series (Knife & Club Elimination). Not only will you learn to stop any type of real knife or club attack; we will show you how to use them! In fact, you will be too deadly to even want to mess with carrying a knife or club…unless you mean business!

Proper Firearm Disarmament and Retention

Face it, most people feel helpless when someone’s got a gun. Like there’s nothing you can do, but that is not the case! We show you how to get out of the worst of hostage and real world situations. Not only that, we show you how to control where the gun may go off in order to save those around you!


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Eliminate Fear and Learn how to survive any attack!

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What people say about our training.

"I have purchased many SCARS products, including the Developers Series, Mind Control, Weight Lifting Program, and Groundfighting Series. I love the products and I have used their lessons to perform well in many boxing and MMA sparring matches. I love the scientific cause-and-effect approach and presentation in the lessons. I have been able to hold my own against black belts and much bigger fighters than myself. I am very grateful for their assistance and for their manners. I believe the people and the products are of very high quality. Thank you so much for all of your help!" - P. Nagorski, Bevely Hills, CA

"SCARS works so well, it avoids the fatally flawed concept of reaction to action. Having studied Judo for forty years, and coached it for almost 25, I know this for a fact. Action beats reaction every time. It is a common thing to day to pass off a street brawl as an assault. However, I have a video from the 20/20 television show which has hidden camera video of store robberies going down. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING! In a real world assault for your life, the bad guy is NOT going to talk, woof, pose, or any such naked ape posture. They are going right for you, and your next move is your life! NOW, your ONLY chance, IS TO REGAIN INITIATIVE. You MUST make THEM stop attacking and start defending. EVERY other video course I have seen AND I HAVE THEM ALL suffers from not understanding this basic law of combat, EXCEPT the SCARS videos. It is the only set that teaches you to regain the attack, and to keep attacking so the bad guy never gets to set his plan again. It is the only set I recommend to serious people looking to learn how to survive a real world violent assault." - M. Tripp

Social & Professional